Saturday, August 9, 2008

Flaming Gorge
Flaming Gorge
(gorge is 1700 ft. deep)

Flaming Gorge

Sheep Creek Canyon

Big Horn Sheep

Prong Horn

Wyoming Landscape

Wyoming Landscape

Rock Spring, WY: I’m so glad we had TV last night. We watched the Olympic opening ceremony at Beijing and it was spectacular. The Chinese people must be very proud of what they did. It was the most amazing thing—and all the people involved. Anyway, I’m glad we were able to see it.

We drove down to Flaming Gorge today and that was also spectacular. Most of it’s in Utah. We checked out a couple of campgrounds that are really nice also. They dammed up the Green River back in the 60s (I think) and created this fantastic lake/reservoir in this deep gorge. We took a side loop road through the Sheep Creek Canyon geologic area which had the most unusual rock formations. We saw big horn sheep there. Prong horns and big horn sheep were wandering through a campground we stopped at right on the rim of the canyon. 1700 feet down. Beautiful! We had lunch at Red Canyon Lodge and then continued around. A fantastic place. One of the guys at the campground had his camp chairs right on the edge of the canyon. Yikes! A beautiful day—81.


nona e eu said...

lindas as fotos!

Olá sou Adrielle, mãe, mineira, casada e apaixonada pela vida. said...

Visite meu blog.

Beijos e abraços!