Fri, 8/1/08
Grand Teton National Park, WY: Decided to hike the Two Ocean trail today. We stopped at Jackson Lake Lodge and had a wonderful breakfast. Then drove to a paved road off the main park road and then onto a dirt road to the trail head. We wanted to hike the trail along the south shore of the lake, but it was closed because of wildlife activity. We found out later there is a pack of wolves in that area and they didn’t want them disturbed. So we set out on the north trail. It wound through a conifer and hardwood forest and then into an open meadow with wild flowers that came up to our shoulders in some spots. Lots of aspen. We were quite a ways from the lake up a few hundred feet but with great views of the lake. Another glacial lake. Got its name from Two Ocean Pass—the streams at the pass go to both the Atlantic and Pacific—hence the name. We hiked until the trail started going away from the lake and into the forest and then turned around. Only about 2 miles total. Then we went back to Colter Bay and hiked a little figure 8 trail that goes along the shore of the lake and out to an island via a causeway. A pretty little hike. We did about 4 miles total. Stopped for ice cream and then back to our campsite and relaxed the rest of the day. We heard there’s a forest fire in Yellowstone. Started when a snag fell and hit an electric wire. It’s very close to Fishing Bridge where we stayed when we were there. Another beautiful day today—85 and sunny. The lake looked very inviting.
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