Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lazy Lakes RV Resort, Sugarloaf Key, FL: Well, the big party is over and now our maintenance guys have clean-up duty. I guess there were 1000 or so people from outside the park. Howard Livingston brought his motor home over and put it on a site across the lake from us. He left around 6:00 tonight. Cold again today. Didn’t even make it out of the 50s. Tomorrow is supposed to be the warmest day—maybe high 60s. We just hunkered down all day. I did a roast for dinner and we just stayed inside and watched the Olympics. I love watching the short track—and especially Ohno.

Esther bundled up in front of the stage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....