Sun-N-Fun Resort, Sarasota, FL: This morning we put clean sheets on the bed and then headed over to Woodland Hall to wash the dirty ones along with some other stuff. I sat over in the butterfly garden with my book while waiting. After getting the laundry done we donned our bathing suits and headed over to the pool. Mike headed over to the lawn bowling game first to see what it was all about and I continued on to the pool. Got in and joined the tail end of a water aerobics class. I don’t know why they don’t just swim around for exercise. After hanging around the pool for a while we biked back to our site and changed into dry clothes and then biked back to the grill for lunch. They have a grill and tiki bar plus a full-service restaurant. Back to our site and relaxed outside reading for a while. Mike went in to get on the computer and I sat outside enjoying this beautiful day. It’s really quiet where we are—the only noise is the thrum of the air conditioners. Some of these park models in here are really cute. Great place to live really.

Butterfly Garden
All the drinking fountains have a little bowl for the dogs
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