Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  Today was a worse day than yesterday.  Cool, windy, and rainy.  We decided to head to the Tropic Cinema in Key West to see “Inside Job” which is a documentary about the financial debacle and was narrated by Matt Damon.  Everyone should see this movie.  Very eye opening.  Anyway, we planned on the 2:15 movie.  Parked by the Eco Center and walked through Truman Annex in the wind and cold.  Got to the theater and they were sold out.  So, we bought tickets for the 4:30 show and left to go over to the Key West Speedway so Mike could do some races and we could kill some time in a warm place.  They were having a private party, so, undaunted, we walked around Mallory Square for a while and hit some shops until the 4:30 movie time.  The movie was worthwhile—everyone should see it.

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