Monday, July 11, 2011

Monterey Peninsula

KOA, Moss Landing, Monterey Bay, CA:  Woke up this morning, peeked out, and we’re socked in with clouds, fog, whatever.  I love it though!  We are right by the sea. You can smell it.  You can hear the fog horn out there in the bay somewhere.  And you can hear the clanking of the rigging in the fishing fleet and the barking of the seals.  We’re smack in the middle of Monterey Bay.  We couldn’t be in a better location.  I kind of wanted to drive back to Big Sur and hike one of the trails, but when we drove through there a couple of days ago it was only in the 50s.  It’s cooled off since then and gotten more overcast.  We’ll see.  Had my smoothie, showered, and put on jeans and a long sleeved shirt.  And socks and boots!  We were going to go to the Monterey Bay Aquarium today, but the sun started coming out so we decided to go to the Monterey Peninsula instead.  A beautiful drive along this magnificent, rugged coast through an old forest of Monterey Cyprus trees—the oldest in existence are on this peninsula.  Stopped at the Pebble Beach Lodge and had an early dinner.  Drove back through Pacific Grove and Monterey along the coast.  Drove by the aquarium which is in an older area—Cannery Row.  The aquarium is housed in an old cannery building complex surrounded by shops and restaurants. Back to our park and the sun is shining under blue skies.  It was cloudy over on the peninsula.  Go figure.  Low 60s today. 

Pebble Beach--taken when I was out here in 1982

Do you think it gets windy out here?

Some of the ancient Monterey Cyprus trees

The 18th hole--Pebble Beach Links

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