Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Well, we had a great time at the KOA pub last night.  We ended up staying there instead of going somewhere else for dinner.  The KOA was cooking up burgers and hot dogs and Yankee Jack was performing.  We had a great time just dancing the night away.  Yankee Jack plays the keyboard and sings.  He has a repertoire of some great raunchy songs which were pretty funny.  He plays at The Bull in Key West most nights.  Another spectacular day.  Upper 70s again.  Tonight we go to the Christmas dinner at the clubhouse. Our Cuban neighbors are roasting a whole pig for the dinner.

Charlie and Johanne
Quebec friends

Esther and Gerald
Quebec friends

Three sheets to the wind...

Debbie who resides in the motor home across from us

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