Saturday, November 2, 2013

KOA, W. Memphis, to Movietime RV Park, Canton, MSA nice sunny morning, but cool.  And we were off by 9:30.  We stopped at around 10:30 to get some fuel and I took a bad step off the curb, twisted my left ankle and came down hard on my right knee.  Doesn’t look bad, didn’t even break the skin.  But I can’t put any weight on it and can barely walk.  No more driving for me for a while.  Mike got me back into the truck and we continued on, but shortly after that I started feeling like I was going to throw up, faint, or both.  And my vision was all blurry.  Fortunately, that only lasted twenty minutes or so.  Got to our RV park around 1:30.  Getting up the steps to the fifth wheel was a challenge.  I finally had to sit on the steps and scoot myself up with my arms.  Poor Mike had to do all the outside and the inside setup.  Now there’s no way I can go into New Orleans.  Hopefully Mike will go in by himself.  I may get it looked at when we get to New Orleans.  Stupid accident!

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