Friday, February 10, 2017

Fri, Feb 10, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  Really windy today.  All night last night I listened to the wind soughing through the trees.  Made for great sleeping.  Put one of the awnings in last night and the second one this morning.  Then we decided to go to Key West and see the movie “Hidden Figures” at the Tropic about three black women who were instrumental in the NASA manned space programs.  One was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Obama when she was 97!  Great true story.  Got back home and were sitting outside enjoying a cocktail when Char and Ben came by and wanted to know if we wanted to play marbles tonight.  So, at 7:00 we’re heading over to the clubhouse.  A nice day, but really windy.  After the movie we wandered around Key West harbor for a while listening to the music and checking out a couple of yachts that are visiting.  There was also a cruise ship in port.  82 today, but with the wind it felt chilly.

The wonderful sculpture of Marilyn outside the Tropic Cinema.

This beautiful yacht was in.  Mike stepped it off.  Figured it was 150 feet long.  The Steve Jobs yacht was twice this long.

The after deck with a bar and dining table.

This group was playing in front of the cruise ship.  They were very good. 

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