Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thu, Mar 2, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  Really warm and humid today. I was up, bathed, and outside getting the paper by 8:30. Went over and talked with Larry, John and Sandy for a while. Fixed my smoothie and sat outside working my crossword puzzle until Paul walked by with Ellie Mae and Braden. They’re like a tornado when they come in as they are so excited to get their requisite treats. (Mike missed them since he didn’t roll out of bed until 10:30.) We’re babysitting them while Paul and Cyndie are at a concert on Saturday. That should be fun. Had a steady stream of visitors in the morning. Karen stopped by for a visit which was great since we haven’t seen much of her this season. In the afternoon threatening clouds closed in and we got a little rain. Think we’ll go to Kiki’s for dinner tonight. Mid-80s today.

Ellie Mae and Braden coming in for their treats.

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