Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wed, Jan 17, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Headed to Key West today.  Figured it would be the only decent day for a while.  Went to see “The Post” at the Tropic.  Parked at the post office and walked to the Tropic to get our tickets and then walked around for a while before our show.  Our first foray to Old Town this year, and there is very little sign of hurricane damage.  After the movie we drove over to the Eco Center where we used to park to see what changes they’ve made.  They put in a new park and an amphitheater and planted lots of large palm trees.  I read somewhere that a royal palm goes for about $20,000!  I guess the tree growers are doing well.  There is still free parking available there, so in the future we can park and walk.  Truman Annex is still beautiful.  Supposed to get down into the 40s tonight!  Yikes!  70 today and mostly cloudy.

Eaton Street Pictures

Marilyn is still there.

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