Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL: Another beautiful, sunny day today. As long as you were in the sun anyway. Went to the Galley Grill for breakfast. Got talking to a guy there who works at the Blimp Base. I’d heard stories about the blimp getting loose. Once they had to scramble some jets and shoot it down. They had tried to recover it with a 94-foot Coast Guard cutter, but it actually started lifting the cutter out of the water. So they shot it down and then recovered it. Interesting guy. He told us about a hike to check out. Left there and went to Winn Dixie to pick up some stuff for tonight’s cocktail party and tomorrow’s Christmas dinner. Got a big tray of shrimp for the cocktail party and a pumpkin pie and this interesting looking lemon/cranberry/walnut cream cake. It looks like a circle of Christmas trees. Hope it tastes as good as it looks. On the way home from the grocery store we found the trail that the blimp guy, Dennis, told us about. It’s way at the end of a road on Summerland Key on the bay side. You walk this trail for a short time and come to an old bridge over to another island that used to be a fish camp. The approach to the bridge is gone, so you have to climb up this thing—walking through the water a little to get to it. I didn’t want to get my boots wet, so we didn’t go over there, but we’ll go back. We just sat and enjoyed the pretty vista. There are several really nice homes on this road lost in all the vegetation. The only glimpse you get is going by the gated driveways. Back home and were sitting outside reading and Dale, one of the maintenance guys, and Dave, the park manager, came over and told us to park in the site across the road from our site. This came direct from the owner, Joe! We had been parking in front of our kingpin but had a hard time getting totally off the road. And there was some guy who put his truck in there and then left on a trip or something. So, somehow Dale got the truck going and put it over in the guy’s site. They even made a sign and put it on the site saying that it’s reserved parking for Craig and Mike. How special is that? 70 today.

At the trail head--a great place to put in a kayak
Nice view along the trail
Mike contemplating the old bridge
You have to wade out to the rocks and then climb up the right piling via the spikes--yikes!
The water is crystal clear.
Our parking digs
Gotta love the sign!
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