Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  A beautiful, sunny day today.  After finishing up my “to do” list, I sat outside for a while in shorts.  Ray and Jo stopped by with their dog, Munch.  Sat around talking with them for a while and the wind picked up and I had to go in and change into sweats and a sweatshirt.  After they left we sat outside a little longer but were driven inside by the chill wind. Charlie and Johanne stopped by later with a Christmas prize—home-made cookies and donuts.  Really good!  The huge fish we saw in the lake the other day we found out was a barracuda.  Haven’t seen the grouper yet—or the shark.  Think it was in the high 60s today. 

A fuzzy picture, but the people with the parrots across the lake from us--all decked out

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