Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cherry Hill RV Resort, College Park, MD:  This morning I got up, showered, and got dressed while Mike was still sound asleep.  Sat outside reading my book and it was really pleasant out there.  Blue sky with a few wispy clouds and the cicadas were in full chorus.   Mike finally got up and stumbled outside.  Sat outside until it got too hot.  We pretty much decided to just hang out here and skip the fireworks in D.C.  But, I thought we could get a hotel room in D.C. and then pop in and out of the air conditioned comfort and still enjoy the festivities.  I was just going to take clean underwear and a clean shirt in my beach tote which would be no problem.  But Mike wanted to take a small suitcase, and I could picture us schlepping around D.C. in the heat getting to and from the hotel.  So, we decided to just stay here.  Went out for dinner and the temp was around 100.  Really uncomfortable.  So, we watched on TV.  I really feel for the people still without power in this heat.   

Air France Concorde
Smithsonian Air and Space Museum
Dulles International Airport
Sculpture Garden
National Gallery of Art