Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thu, Nov. 1:   St. Louis, MO, to KOA, W. Memphis, AR:  A really crappy day today.   47 degrees with light rain and a brisk wind.  Just miserable!  Left the storage area at 9:30 and drove through rain all day.  We stopped at Sikeston for food and fuel at 12:30.  We were planning on stopping at the Flying J, but it was closed for renovations.  So we went across the street to Love’s which was slammed.  The trucks were lined up to get fuel and there was quite a traffic jam in there.  We finally fueled up and had some lunch and Mike took over driving.  We got here at 3:30 and just hooked up water and electric.  Not unhooking.  Leave tomorrow morning for somewhere in Tennessee.  It was only 51 when we got here.  Not much warmer.  At least it was a pretty drive heading south on I55 with all the trees in full fall foliage.  Very hilly and colorful, until just south of Cape Girardeau where you go down one last big hill and then into a flat, featureless landscape.  The only interesting thing is when the crop dusters are out doing their thing.  We’ll see them on our way home.

Beale Street in Memphis, TN