Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thu, Mar 10, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  After being down for a few days with a stomach ailment, I’m finally starting to feel better. Mike spent a few hours yesterday getting ready for our departure tomorrow morning. I was of absolutely no help. Today I did help folding up our outside mat and putting our lights away. We had signed up for a wine tasting today. Mike went over. Not feeling good enough for that—besides the drugs I’m taking do not mix well with alcohol (sigh). George and Jackie Licis stopped by briefly to say hello. We met them a couple of years ago. Another really windy day today. Hopefully it’ll be better tomorrow, although we only have a 3-hour drive to the Everglades. Wonder what site we’ll end up in, since our new fifth wheel is a lot longer. Keeping our fingers crossed that we don’t have any problem getting out of here.

Adieu Lazy Lakes--until November.