Friday, December 8, 2017

Fri, Dec 8, Miami Everglades RV Park, Homestead, FL:  Mike dropped me off at a nearby nail salon and then he went on to a Walgreens to pick up his prescriptions.  He picked me up in an hour and then we came back to our site and sat outside enjoying a last day of really warm weather.  Back out at 3:00 to find a restaurant for dinner.  Nothing much around us except fast food places.  So, we got on the turnpike heading south towards Homestead where we’re more familiar with restaurants in that area.  Unfortunately, the turnpike was slammed, moving ever so slowly.  So, we bailed off at the next exit and drove around forever and finally found a barbecue joint and had some dinner.  The food was actually pretty good.  It wasn’t a steak with baked potato smothered in butter and sour cream.  But the food was good, and we were starved by then anyway.  Back home and relaxed.  Supposed to be a nasty day tomorrow and turning colder.  It’ll be a good day to hunker down playing cards and reading.  85 today.

Flaming Gorge, Wyoming--2008