Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thu, Mar 30, Birmingham South RV Park, Birmingham, to KOA W. Memphis, AR:  Decided to leave this morning after checking out the Weather Channel at 7:00 this morning. Looked like we could sneak in between storms. So, I said, “let’s leave NOW.” We got on the road by 8:45. I was hoping I65 would be better this time, and it was until we drove through Birmingham and the road got way worse. But that was okay because I22 was now connected to I65. Before we had to take this detour which took us through this iffy part of town and took probably an hour to get on I22. So, now we were able to get right on I22 off I65. I22 is a pretty drive through rural Alabama and Mississippi. Good road, too, until we crossed over into Mississippi. Then is disintegrated a bit. The weather was okay—cloudy but no rain. But the closer we got to Memphis, the windier it got. We stopped around Tupelo and Mike took over driving. I was a nervous wreck by the time we finally pulled into the KOA in W. Memphis. The wind was pretty bad. But the sun came out and all was good. After we got set up I poured a glass of wine. The wind is still rocking us pretty good. But tomorrow we leave for Home Sweet Home. I am so looking forward to getting home. Can’t wait to see Laura, Tim, and especially Andrew. I have so much to do when we get home. I just hope we get there in one piece. Low 70s here in W. Memphis.

Bridge going over the Mississippi. I hate this bridge. Thankfully, Mike was driving at this point.