Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  Another beautiful, sunny day.  After lunch we headed to the old state road, parked at the end and walked the trail through the mangroves.  Met a guy on his bike with two dogs.  Said he went in about 3 miles and didn’t even come to the end.  We walked for an hour and then turned around and walked back.  A lot of different vegetation in there emitting wonderful smells.  There were even several cacti.  Lots of water fowl hanging out in the wetlands, salt ponds, flats, or whatever.  The mangroves are amazing.  I wonder how the early explorers managed to negotiate through these twisted, gnarled roots.  I would think you’d need a machete.  Today is the Conch Fest at Bayview Park on Truman.  Howard wasn’t going to take the stage until 9:00, but I still kinda wanted to go.  Mike wasn’t crazy about the idea.  So we didn’t go.  Parking probably would have been a nightmare anyway.  80 today.

On the trail
One of the estates along this road.  Nice gate!
Another estate in the process of a refurbishment by D'Asign Source
Can't wait to see it when it's done.  Beautiful property right on the Atlantic.