Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cherry Hill RV Resort, College Park, MDUp and out this morning on the 10:05 express bus to the metro station and then the metro down to the National Archives.  Took a taxi to the Lincoln Memorial and then walked down to the Vietnam Memorial, the Korean War Memorial and the WWII Memorial.  The most impressive was the Korean War Memorial.  The walk down from the Lincoln Memorial was in a park along the reflecting pool with really old growth trees—probably 150 years old.  Mike was able to find the name of a school mate of his who died in the Vietnam War.  After that we took a taxi to Capitol Hill and found a little restaurant where we stopped and had some lunch.  I had a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato basil soup and Mike had a buffalo chicken wrap.  Both really good.  Felt good to sit down and cool off.  After our brief respite we walked a few blocks up Constitution Avenue and caught the blue line metro over to the Pentagon.  Then another long walk around two sides of the Pentagon to the Memorial.  The youngest to die here was 3 years old.  Apparently there was a day care center in the Pentagon.  Walked back to the metro station and this time took the yellow line back to College Park and then the bus back to our park.  Think it hit the upper 80s today with a really nice breeze.  Got back around 4:15.  Now we’ve got to find the energy to go over and do the laundry (sigh).

Lincoln Memorial

Korean War Memorial

Korean War Memorial

Korean War Memorial
This marble wall has ghostly images of the soldiers etched into the marble somehow.  It's smooth, so I guess they did it with lasers or something.  It's very impressive and the sculpture of the soldiers walking through the field are reflected in there also.  A beautiful design.

Vietnam War Memorial

WWII War Memorial looking down the reflecting pool to the Lincoln Memorial in the distance.

The Pentagon Memorial

The Pentagon where the plane hit.  You can see the different color of the bricks