Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Long Point Camping Park, Melbourne Beach, FL: A beautiful day today. We drove over to Jack and Karen’s around 1:00 and hung out on the lanai for a while and then drove over and toured the historic Rossetter House in Eau Gallie. The two Rossetter sisters lived in the house until the last one died at the age of 101. All the furnishings in the house are original. These two sisters were both single and very successful businesswomen. One managed a distributorship for Standard Oil and the other sister had an insurance business. Later we met Karen’s sister and brother-in-law at a Thai restaurant and had dinner. After dinner we said our good-byes and headed back home. Think it hit the upper 70s today. Jack wanted to go for a short boat ride. Wish we’d had time to do that also.

Rossetter House

Jack hanging out in the park