Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thu, Dec 11:  Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  A beautiful and sunny day today.  But still cool.  So we headed to Key West to see “The Theory of Everything” at the Tropic Cinema.  A great movie and the British guy that played Stephen Hawking will probably get an Academy Award.  He should get one anyway.  After the movie we walked around Key West a little.  Felt so good to be outside walking around enjoying this spring-like day with the wonderful fragrances wafting in from the sea.  72 today as we were driving home.

Catamaran sailing by a cruise ship.

Hen with her brood of 7.

This poor gull had fishing line hanging off him.  Doesn't seem to bother him, but I wish fisher people would be more careful about their fishing line.