Saturday, January 23, 2016

Sat, Jan 23, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Wind alert for today. And, it is really windy. Undaunted, we bundled up and headed for Big Pine and the flea market. Wanted to pick up some spices, but she wasn’t there today. A lot of the booths were empty. So, we went to Winn Dixie and picked up a fruit plate for tomorrow’s party at the clubhouse and went on a wine run. Stopped at Walgreens and then back home to stay ensconced in our nice warm fifth wheel. Later in the afternoon our neighbor, Larry, stopped over to deliver the paper and we invited him in. We shared a bottle of wine and blabbed with him for a while. Douglas called and wanted us to meet him at the KOA or Mangrove Mama’s. Told him I didn’t think so since Mike is trying to get over a cold. Howie is playing at the KOA, and I’d love to go over there, but I’d hate to leave Mike. Besides, it’s just too cold to walk over there. So, we’re staying in just watching TV. 60s and really W I N D Y today.

Long pants and layers. Cold, cold, cold.