Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wed, 6/23/10

Wagon Trail Resort, Ellison Bay, WI: Awoke to the pitter patter of rain drops this morning. Rained off and on all morning. Played around on the keyboard for a while. Showing no signs of clearing, we watched a couple more episodes of The Sopranos and then a movie with Billy Bob Thornton, “One False Move”. Pretty good thriller. After the movie the sun came out and we walked over to Rowley’s Pub on Rowley’s Bay for a couple of cocktails. Tried the trail first but that was a bog, so we backtracked and took the road. Sat out on the Pub’s patio and sipped our drinks. Across the road from the Pub is a pretty view of the lake and a small marina—only one boat in there at the moment. It was nice just watching the white pelicans on the lake and feeling the warm sun on us. After an hour or so we started seeing some ugly looking clouds coming in from the west, so we headed back. Took a different trail this time which was pretty dry. After dinner we were watching something on PBS and started getting severe storm warnings. When they started including Door County we put the awning up and headed over to the clubhouse. There were several other people in there as well—nothing like a good storm to bring people together. It did rain very hard but no high winds thankfully. We went back to our site around 8:30. Mid-70s today.

Church of the Attonement--Fish Creek

Local artist painting the church

Tue, 6/22/10

Wagon Trail Resort, Ellison Bay, WI: This morning started out cloudy, so I got the cleaning out of the way. Then sat outside reading for a while. Mike headed over to the office for something and I decided to go for a walk since it had cleared off and turned into a beautiful day. I walked part of the trail that we hiked a few days ago. Was wishing I had changed into shorts before heading out because it was getting pretty warm in my sweats and a sweatshirt. Got back and changed into shorts and got engrossed in the book I was reading. We headed to Bailey’s Harbor around 4:30 for dinner at the steakhouse there. Had a great meal and watched the kite boarders out on the lake. Back home and watched two more episodes of The Sopranos. 80 today.

Bailey's Harbor Range Light

These two buildings are in a straight line about 950 feet apart.   They each had a light in the tower.  Back in the 1800s, when a ship lined up these two lights they knew they were in Bailey's Harbor