Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tue, Oct 27, 2020:  The Glades RV Park:  A nice morning today.  The rabbit was outside.  He sat there forever while I futzed around trying to take his picture with my phone.  Went for my walk.  A lot of people not here yet.  No one wearing masks or social distancing.  We still do.  Went to Crumb’s for lunch.  No masks there either.  We took ours to go.  A couple from Missouri came in.  They were the first ones we’ve seen wearing masks.  Troublesome.  Did our laundry and got that out of the way.  A lady in there said it’s not a big thing. People aren’t really dying. It’s all the media.  No worse than the flu.  Okay then.  90 here today. After lunch we played spades for a while. 

Thought the cat might go after the bunny.  But she left him alone.

View from our patio.

Mike's hand is swelling up from the wasp sting.