Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, Fl:  Another really warm and humid day today.  Tuesday is now our designated laundry and grocery shopping day. So we took care of that and had lunch at Pizza Works.  On the way out of the park this morning we saw a really pretty snake.  It was about 3 feet long and a pretty copper color.  A harmless mangrove snake.  Hope nobody hurts him.  Mike disappeared into the air conditioned comfort of our fifth wheel and I sat outside for about three hours reading and luxuriating in this warm sultry day.  Walked over to check on our mail and stopped briefly at Johanne and Charlie’s.  They were busy setting up their outside room, tiki bar, and other stuff.  There’s supposedly a cold front coming through by the weekend.  Hope it doesn’t cool off too much.  Loving it!

Beautiful Keys sunset.