Friday, January 27, 2017

Fri, Jan 27, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  This morning when I got up Mike informed me we needed to go to urgent care or the ER.  Last night he bent over to pick something up, felt something pop and then was in considerable pain.  So, we left around 9:30 and drove to the ER.  They changed the bandage on his arm and took X-rays.  No broken rib, but a pulled muscle.  Picked up a prescription for oxycodone, an antibiotic cream and more large bandages.  Had some lunch and then back home and relaxed.  The pain meds don’t seem to be working.  Hopefully it will only last a couple of days.  A beautiful day though—low 80s and the water is flat.  No wind.

Some of the flats along our bike ride yesterday.

These yellow flowers were blooming everywhere along our path.