Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sun, Dec 11, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  Well, we got some rain last night, but no stormy weather to speak of.  I slept late again this morning.  Felt good though.  Started out cloudy but cleared off nicely.  On the cool side however.  Douglas called and wanted us to meet he and Chuck in Marathon for happy hour at the Keys Lobster and Steak House.  I said it sounded good, but needed to check with Mike who was in the shower at the time.  Then he called back and said to forget Marathon and just come over for dinner at their place.  So, we’re headed over there at 5:00 for dinner with them.  Looking forward to it since we didn’t go over there for Thanksgiving.  He’s such a great cook, it should be great.  We’ll take some wine and we picked up a pie for dessert.  I think it made it to 79 today.  

Schooner America
Love taking pictures of flowers.  Took this while at Door County in the summer of 2010.