Sunday, November 1, 2015

STL to W. Memphis

Sun, Nov. 1:   St. Louis, MO, to KOA, W. Memphis, AR:  Left this morning right on time at 9:00 a.m. under a clear blue sky. Stopped in Sikeston for food and fuel. The Denny’s there was slammed—we were there for an hour and a half. After Sikeston the landscape gets pretty bleak. It’s flat to begin with, and the fields are all fallow at this time of year. All the cotton has been harvested and the rice. They used to harvest the cotton into these huge bales. One bale would fill up a semi flatbed truck. Probably had to use a crane to get them on the truck. Now they’re harvested into these tight rolls—like hay—and covered in heavy plastic. I wonder how they harvest rice? Anyway, we arrived in W. Memphis and were set up by 4:00. Not unhooking. Out again tomorrow morning. It’s cloudy here and 65.

Our brand new truck and fifth wheel.