Monday, January 14, 2019

Mon, Jan 14:  Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Cool again this morning and it didn’t really warm up much.  We took care of the laundry and caught up with Karen, who was doing hers as well.  After accomplishing that we pretty much stayed in the rest of the day.  Mike went down to the office and paid for another month.  We have a Netflix to watch—“House of Cards” Season 5.  But I think we’ve already seen that.  We need Season 6.  Anyway, not sure if we’ll even go for happy hour tonight.  Mike’s back is bothering him a lot.  Staying inside in front of the fireplace and eating chili sounds pretty good.  Low 70s (maybe) and breezy.

Beautiful electronic gate on an estate in Marathon.

One of their toys.

Some of the grounds.
The pool.