Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sun, Dec 18, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  We sure have been lucky with the weather down here this year—so far anyway.  Another beautiful day.  Delivered cookies to Sandy and John who were next door with Larry.  Talked with them for a while and then went in and made a poached egg for breakfast.  I found a great way to do it in the microwave.  In the Sunday paper this morning there was an article on sedum—the last of the succulents I planted.  They refer to sedum as a forgetful gardener’s dream.  Perfect for me and for the fact that we’re gone more than we’re here.  Sedums store water in their leaves which is perfect for snowbirds who are gone for months at a time.  They can die back in drought and then pop back to life when water arrives. Some gardeners say only stones need more care than a sedum.  So, maybe they’ll still be here when we return next November.  82 today with a tropical breeze.

Sedum we planted a month or so ago.