Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thu, Aug 22:
Alaska Cruise:  Norwegian Jewel:  A sea day today.  We slept in and then went to Cagney’s for lunch.  After lunch we walked around some and stopped to listen to some of the live entertainment on board.  Then off to the casino.  I left Mike there and went back to our room and sat out on our balcony reading.  Between the gentle rocking of the ship and the susurrant sound of the ship’s wake, I had a hard time keeping awake.  After dinner tonight we’re going to see Le Cirque Bijou at the theater. Our Butler brings us goodies every day.  Today he brought some truffles and assorted cheeses.  Day before yesterday he brought us chocolate covered strawberries.  Yesterday it was fresh fruit.  We are so spoiled.  Overcast today and mid-50s.  Even so, we are really comfortable on our balcony, since we’re aft of the ship and alee of the wind--which, by the way, is 25 knots today.  Tomorrow we will be in Victoria.

Wed, Aug 21:
Alaska Cruise:  Norwegian Jewel:  Docked in Skagway this morning.  We are taking the White Pass Scenic Railway tour today—but we don’t board until 12:45.  So we figured we’d have breakfast and then walk into Skagway, which is only a mile or so from the dock.  After our breakfast we stepped outside and the wind and cold just about took our breath away.  Figured we’d forget that.  All these little ports are about shopping anyway.  Especially jewelry.  But the train ride was great.  And historic.  Skagway was the jumping off point for the intrepid “gold rushers” seeking their fortune.  They would take a steamer to Skagway and then buy provisions and horses or mules to carry all this stuff over treacherous and dangerous trails to the Yukon River and the gold fields.  They were required to carry a ton of supplies up over the pass and into the interior where they would journey through the lake systems to the Yukon River and the gold fields. They had to carry materials to make a boat.  Over 3000 horses and pack animals died on this journey because of the tortures of the trail and inexperience of the stampeders. Some of the animals actually starved to death because they didn’t think to bring enough feed for them.  Anyway, the train route paralleled this historic route through the pass.  Once we got back on board our ship we changed and went to La Cuchina Italian restaurant for dinner.  The ship pulled out while we were eating.  Back to our room and I sat out on our balcony watching the beautiful vistas slipping by.  This will be the last of the inside passage.  We’ll be in the open ocean until we reach Victoria.

Dead Horse Gulch--lost over 3000 horses and pack animals on this trek.  A lot of them here.

At this station the Canadian Northwest Mounted Police would check to see if they had enough provisions.

White Pass

The original trail.  This was a very narrow trail and there would be travelers going both ways.

This is an older trestle bridge.  Fortunately, we didn't have to go over it.
