Thursday, December 6, 2018

Thu, Dec 6:  NCL Jade Cruise Ship:  All day at sea today.  As we went down for breakfast we were going by the western tip of Cuba.  Very mountainous.  Much cooler today—no more warm and sultry.  74 out there as I’m writing this and very windy.  Mike went to the casino after breakfast and won 40.00+ on the penny slots.  I always lose—he always wins (sigh).  We saw another amazing show at the Stardust Theater last night.  At the end of the show they brought out all the NCL officers, captain, room stewards, butlers, concierges, wait staff, chefs, and washy-washy girls.  Nice tribute to them.  The ship is always immaculate. The show itself was a mixture of illusionists, aerialists, and dancers.  That Russian couple performed also.  They are amazing.  A couple of the aerial acts was right over the audience.  Tonight we’ll have our luggage outside our room by 11:00 and tomorrow morning after breakfast we’ll meet our concierge one last time and he’ll escort us off the ship to our waiting luggage.  Then a cab ride home.  A great trip.


The cross hatches on this tree were made by a machete.  They used the sap mixed with honey to make chewing gum.  Chicklets means something in Myan--Chacchoben Mayan Ruins.