Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sun, Dec 6, 2020:  The Glades RV Park:  Took care of the laundry today.  Walked to and from a few times—so got my walk in.  Chris was up there again.  Saw her last Sunday.  Seems we’re on the same schedule.  I’ve gotten to know her better because of the one-on-one conversations we have.  Both she and her husband got Covid.  Fever, aches, but mostly exhaustion.  They’re okay now.  They’re part of the biker group in here.  They’re off for a ride today.  Mike and I decided to try Crumb’s for lunch.  He jumped at the idea.  He loves their buffalo wings. We ate out on the deck.  No masks on the wait staff.  But we had our masks on and kept our distance from the waitress.  First time we’ve “eaten out” since we’ve been here.  No one else on the deck until we were leaving.  A really nice day today.  Upper 70s to low 80s. 

Santa Fe, New Mexico