Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thu, Jan 26, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  What a great day today!  Took the trash over to the dumpster and continued around the lake and ran into Debbie and Sandy.  Talked with them for a while and then continued on my walk.  Mike wanted to go for a bike ride, so after lunch we headed out.  Biked all the way to Summerland Key and back.  A beautiful day for a ride.  But at the end of the ride Mike was getting off his bike and fell and took a chunk out of his arm.  Luckily, nothing broken.  Back home and we cleaned up his wound and then I needed a cocktail.  Made a vodka and tonic and sat outside for a while.  Carolyn came over, and then shortly after Dale came over.  Put out some snacks and then Chuck stopped by and we brought out more wine.  Had a great gab fest and then everyone went their separate ways.  A great day.  Low 80s and a gentle breeze.

Mike on the bike path.

Me on the bike path.

On this bike path we have the flats on one side and the mangroves on the other.

Went over the new Kemp Channel biking/walking/fishing bridge.

An osprey nest.

The bike path just after we crossed Hwy. 1.

Poor Mike took a chunk out of his arm when he fell.