Monday, January 13, 2020

Mon, Jan 13, 2020:  On our way to LaBelle to do the grocery shopping.  I walked up to the office and Mike met me there.  Continued on to LaBelle and got that out of the way and then came back and had lunch at Crumb’s.  Had their special—meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, and carrots.  A great meal.  Came home and put our groceries away.  Decided to get the laundry out of the way since we have to go to the county office tomorrow to take care of our permit for the shed.  Got that out of the way.  I was sitting outside with a glass of wine and Charlie showed up on his golf cart inviting us over for happy hour.  I went with him on the golf cart and Mike came over a little later.  Had a great time with them and then came back and watched TV for a while.  82 today.

Tower Bridge--London
