Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thu, Dec 8, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  I was up early again this morning.  Had already showered, dressed and eaten breakfast before Mike got up.  It’s usually the other way around.  Larry was up before me and already working on painting the framework of his RV.  Had to crawl way under there.  Said he scared up a scorpion.  Didn’t know they were around down here.  Suzette stopped by with Sampson who got his treats and then I was off to Key West to get my nails done and then back to Big Pine to get my hair cut.  Got all that accomplished and was back home by 1:00.  After lunch I tried to take a nap because I couldn’t sleep last night.  All that did was to make me feel worse than ever.  Off for an early dinner at Kiki’s.  Another beautiful, warm, sultry day.  82 here today.

This beautiful home was once home to the Commandant of the hospital facility in Truman Annex.  It's now a private residence.