Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Got out of the shower this morning and Charlie and Maple were here.  Told Charlie he was in luck—I was just making my smoothie and would he like some?  No thanks, he said.  They don’t know what they’re missing.  Sat outside reading the book Karen lent me, “The Kitchen House”, which is about plantation life and the interaction between slaves and plantation owners.  It’s very hard to put down.  I’m almost finished with it.  Went for a walk after lunch and picked up trash along Johnson Road.  It was very hot in the sun.  Came back and made Mexican lasagna for the dinner at the clubhouse tonight.  Opened a bottle of wine in readiness.  Around 80 today I think.

Orchids at Villa Paradiso--Key Colony estate