Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  A beautiful, sunny day today.  After finishing up my “to do” list, I sat outside for a while in shorts.  Ray and Jo stopped by with their dog, Munch.  Sat around talking with them for a while and the wind picked up and I had to go in and change into sweats and a sweatshirt.  After they left we sat outside a little longer but were driven inside by the chill wind. Charlie and Johanne stopped by later with a Christmas prize—home-made cookies and donuts.  Really good!  The huge fish we saw in the lake the other day we found out was a barracuda.  Haven’t seen the grouper yet—or the shark.  Think it was in the high 60s today. 

A fuzzy picture, but the people with the parrots across the lake from us--all decked out
Wed, 12/22/10:

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  A nice sunny day.  Drove to Big Pine to do the laundry and grocery shopping.  After that was done we stopped at Pizza Works for a couple of slices of pizza.  When we got back and were pulling in to Lazy Lakes there was a huge Alegro Bay motor home just coming in.  They’re across the lake from us.  Put everything away and then walked around the lake.  Stopped at Charlie and Johanne’s, our Canadian friends.  Only meant to stay a minute but ended up staying a couple of hours.  Their site is beautiful and all decorated for Christmas.  They even put up a REAL, fully-decorated tree inside their screen room.  Back home and watched our latest Netflix, “Infamous”—an interesting movie about Truman Capote and the effects that writing “In Cold Blood” had on him and his life. 73 today.  The next two weeks looks pretty grim though (sigh).

Tiki bar in Charlie and Johanne's site

Comfy digs in their screen room.  Now there's a fully decorated Christmas tree in there.  There's also a TV in there.