Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Jonathan Dickinson SP, Jupiter, FL:  The wind blew and blew all night last night.  There were tornado warnings out for our area, so I set the Noah weather radio for alerts and then took it in the bedroom with me.  There were two alerts, but they were both boating alerts.  The morning was still rainy and cool, so we went to see “Three Days to Kill” with Kevin Costner.  An okay action movie.  When we came out of the theater it had turned into a beautiful day, so we drove over to Jupiter Island to see how the top 1% live.  Pretty impressive place with these huge, palatial homes which you can barely see because of the artful and beautifully maintained landscaping.  Exited on the Hobe end of the island, which is where Tiger’s place is.  80 today. 

Blowing Rock Beach--Jupiter Island

Waters surrounding the island are beautiful.

Bridge Road on the north end of the island which goes over to Hobe.