Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  Sunny this morning, but chilly and windy.  We ended up going over to the KOA for the MM24 band last night.  Mike didn’t really want to go and I told him I had no problem going over by myself, but he went anyway.  Sat with the other Lazy Lakes people in a table out by the pool.  Esther and Gerald showed up later.  We stayed for 3 hours and came home.  I could have stayed longer, but Mike wasn’t feeling so great.  Set up vegetable beef soup in the crock pot this morning, and it’s starting to smell really good in here.  Watched a Netflix movie after lunch which was terrible.  Craig lent us another movie which we’ll probably watch later tonight.  Pretty much stayed around our site all day.  Had a couple of visitors.  Other than that, pretty quiet.

On the bike trail with Esther and Gerald
Picture by Gerald

Stopping for some lunch
Picture by Gerald