Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sun, Jan 17, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  High winds started this morning at around 7:00 and continued most of the day. It wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be. The sun actually peeked out a couple of times. But we were inside all day today anyway. Watched the Carolina/Seattle game which was a great one. Had pork chops, sautéed potatoes and asparagus for dinner. Mid-70s today and getting cooler.

Hemingway lived on the second floor of this apartment building on Simonton St. in Key West while waiting for his new Ford to arrive. During his stay there he worked on "A Farewell to Arms".

Sat, Jan 16, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  We actually had sunshine today. Went out for breakfast and then went on a wine run. Came back and sat outside for a while. Carolyn and Dale stopped over for a while and invited us over to their place. While there Chuck called Dale trying to put a marbles game together. So Doug and Chuck came over and we all went over to the clubhouse and played for a while. When we over at Dale and Carolyn’s the rain started and continued most of the night.. Upper 70s today.

Smathers Beach