Saturday, August 10, 2013

KOA, Seattle, WARained last night.  Rained really hard with lightning and thunder.  Locals are worried because of the fire danger.  Still cloudy and threatening this morning.  So, we signed up for a city tour for tomorrow morning.  Then we headed to a huge mall a couple of miles away and saw “Two Guns” with Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlburg.  Very entertaining.  Emerged from the mall to sunny skies.  Back to our park and sat outside in shorts enjoying the warm breezes.  Hope it’s nice tomorrow for our tour.  Mid-80s today.  There’s a baby bunny hanging around the bushes behind us.  I haven’t seen him yet.  Mike has a couple of times.  It doesn’t take much to amuse us.

We can see Mt. Rainier again.