Friday, June 19, 2020

Fri, Jun 19, 2020:  Day 91 of self-quarantine:  Made another grocery order today.  It was delivered around 12:30.  We sanitized everything and put it all away.  Another one of the incorrect items we received the other day was a pint of fresh strawberries.  So, going to bake up some biscuits and have strawberry shortcake for dessert tonight.  The last time we were in Door County we went to this church social (of all things) in Sister Bay because they were serving strawberry shortcake.  For $5 you got a huge bowl with a biscuit on the bottom, a huge scoop of ice cream, strawberries, another biscuit, more strawberries, and topped with whipped cream.  It was huge—for $5.  Hope we can go back there next year.  Another nice day.  Probably upper 80s out there.

A couple of the "cottages" in Sister Bay.