Monday, December 10, 2018

Mon, Dec 10:  Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  We got on the road about 9:00 this morning and arrived here at noon and were set up about 1:30.  Everything went very smoothly.  A bunch of our friends stopped by to say hello.  And tonight is happy hour at Mangrove Mama’s, so we’ll probably go over for a couple of drinks and some dinner.  Now all we have to do is hook up our cable.  We have to connect a box here at this park.  After we accomplish that we’ll be ready for a couple of drinks.  74 when we got down here and windy.  It’s supposed to warm up quickly.  We need to kick back for a couple of days. 

We used to have an unobstructed view of the lake out our back window.  But the buttonwoods have grown like crazy since the hurricane.  Mike will probably trim them back some.