Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  A nice, warm day today.  We made a run to the grocery store to get something to bring to the Superbowl party today at the clubhouse.  Felt good to sit outside in just shorts and a tee shirt.  Over to the clubhouse at around 4:00.  Martin cooked up a bunch of ribs and everyone brought something to pass.  A great dinner and lots of socializing with friends.  Rooting for the Sea Hawks.  They’re ahead by 3 points right now.  Only 5 minutes left to play.  And the Patriots have the ball (sigh).  Upper 70s today.


Sat, Jan 31: Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf Key, FL:  I got on the computer this morning, and before I knew it, three hours had slipped by.  Got a bunch done though.  Another pretty but cool day.  We headed to Key West to see “Boy Next Door”, a thriller starring Jennifer Lopez.  An OK movie, nothing great.  It’s always pretty driving around the Keys.  The water is so beautiful—especially so today.  Left-over pot roast for dinner tonight.  We may go over to the KOA later.  75 today.

Chuck and Doug sat across from us last night at Mangrove Mama's.

The rest of the group and the band.