Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tue, Dec 13, Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  Happy hour was fun last night, except the no-seeums were brutal.  I walked over again and Mike came over in the truck.  So, after walking over I was a hot sweaty mess.  Only had one drink because I was really hungry.  Six of us went to Fish for dinner and had a great meal. On the way back to Lazy Lakes we saw a Key Deer just as we turned onto Johnson Road.  And yesterday some friends walking around the lake saw a Key Deer buck.  So they’re here in Sugarloaf also.  It was such a nice balmy evening, we sat out for a while sharing some wine with Jerry and Char.  Sally joined us with Baby.  Today we headed to Key West and Mike got his root canal.  Only one visit.  Any root canal I had back in the day was always two visits.  Technology is better now I guess.  Anyway, at least he won’t have that tooth bothering him.  Now he has to make an appointment with Dr. Troxel to get a crown on that tooth.  82 today and no wind.

Navy fliers are in town practicing carrier take-offs and landings. The carrier George Washington is out in the Florida Straits where they practice.  This one was landing at Boca Chica NAS. They fly these little trainers.