Monday, January 31, 2011

Lazy Lakes RV Park, Sugarloaf, FL:  A really different Monday for us.  No donut run for Mike this morning.  He got a call from the dentist in Big Pine and was able to get an appointment for 12:30.  So, no shoes for him either.  I did some cleaning and then Mike left for his appointment and I took a nap.  Woke up and the beautiful, sunny morning had turned into a cloudy, nasty-looking day.  Still warm though.  I was getting worried about Mike since I hadn’t heard from him by 4:00.  He had stopped to pick up a pizza which took longer than he thought.  We went over to the happy hour at the KOA.  It was good to be out and about. 

It's a miracle!  Mike's hair has grown back!