Sunday, July 29, 2007

Somes Fiords (I think)

Thu, Jul 26

Up bright and early and headed to Northeast Harbor to catch the 10:00 boat to the Cranberry Islands. A spectacular day and very warm. Cruised out to the ledges and saw some harbor seals. Then stopped at Little Cranberry for 45 minutes or so. Little Cranberry has a year-round population of 70. Hearty souls. No grocery store on the island. To get groceries, you drive down to the dock (or get someone to take you), catch the mail boat to Northeast Harbor, then pick up your car there (or have someone pick you up), go buy your groceries and run your errands, and take the mail boat back (with all your groceries in tow). And I whine when I have to go to the Shop & Save?? Went through the museum. Mike walked up to the little village and I went to the store on the dock. Bought a book on the diary of a sea captain’s wife in the early 1900s. His ship was a four-masted schooner. Should be interesting. Left Little Cranberry and cruised over to Somes Sound. Saw several osprey nests and an eagle. Only one of the osprey nests had chicks in it. After the cruise we had lunch in Northeast Harbor and then headed to the “quiet side” to see if we could find where Ron and Jan were married. Couldn’t find any way to get down to the water at Seal Cove, so we cut across the peninsula on a dirt road into the interior. Stopped at a little reservoir that used to be the water supply for Southwest Harbor and there was a woman there with her two kids. They had been swimming in the little pond there. Nothing goes over the spillway any more and the pond is a little yucky, but they were swimming in it. We told her we were trying to find out where Ron and Jan were married and she told us about a road called Cape Road that went down to a little park on the water. So, we headed back there—and, sure enough, that was the spot. Back to the campground and ran the generator for a couple of hours and hauled water. A beautiful night with an almost full moon and lots of stars. Think we’ll hike the beach trail tomorrow.

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