Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cherry Hill RV Resort, College Park, MDWe sat outside for a while again this morning.  Not long though before the searing heat drove us inside.  Took care of some computer stuff and then checked out some movie theaters in the area.  Found one nearby and planned on going to the 1:45 show, but we got watching a movie on TV and didn’t bother.  Just stayed inside and watched movies all day.  Tomorrow should be the last day.  Next week the highs will be in the mid-80s.  Yesterday a couple of cars in the metro derailed.  The green line, which is the one we usually take.  They had to shut the power down in both directions—at rush hour.  Bet that was fun.  They say the heat caused the rail to buckle, or something like that.  Supposedly 103 today.  Not sure what the heat index was.

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